How VoxWaves Works for your Business


We create a partnership between you and your customers to understand what they want, think and feel for a mutually beneficial relationship.

VoxWaves Solutions:-

Audience Measurement

You spend millions of dollars advertising in TV and Radio and unsure on the Return On Investment (ROI). VoxWaves digital audio watermark technology embedded in your media advisement (TV & Radio) campaign and combined with our powerful mobile app, allows you, the business owner, to gather and analyze vital facts about your advisement campaign.

Partnering with VoxWaves, you’ll be track the customers who listened to your ads. We’ll then push a short survey to your customer to know what they felt about your ads. We analyze your customer feedback and provide you more insight to take informed decisions about continuing an existing ad campaign or developing a new campaign loved by your customers. We can even track the customers who viewed your ad and visited your store to measure your ROI.

Shopping Trends Analysis

VoxWaves technology can answer more complex questions about your business. We can analyze the shopping behaviors of your customer and directly compare it with your comparator. We can track your customers & your comparator customer loyalty (ie how often they visit your store), time spent in store, most popular age range, gender, income group, race … visiting store.

We can then push a short survey to understand customer satisfaction. We also offer the flexibility to Up sell and Cross sell your product by delivery personalized deals and promotions.

VoxWaves technology is scalable and useful for small business and large ones alike. Surveys and Deals can be customized to meet specific needs.

How VoxWaves Works for Customer:-

Want FREE gift cards just for watching your favorite Tv show & shopping at your favorite store? Use VoxWaves mobile app to get points for walking into stores like Target, Macy’s, Best Buy, and more. Participate in a customer engagement survey to get more rewards.

We’ll also show you best products and deals nearby. Then, redeem your points for gift cards.

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